The human factor continues to be the single most important contributing factor in just how well or how poorly a task can be completed.  Our employees remain our most important resource, and through the use of our TABS Program, our employees are afforded the opportunity to participate in a simple but effective behavior based safety program. Unlike most behavior based programs, which utilize anonymous and unannounced observations, our employees notify and ask permission from the person or persons being observed beforehand. It is our intent that by doing so, the person or persons being observed heighten their HSE performance on the task to be completed, and in so doing, increase the HSE performance within our company.

Feedback within our TABS program is to be provided immediately, with the intentions of reinforcing correct behaviors and addressing at risk behaviors as soon as possible. It is our hope that by doing so, correct behaviors are repeated due to positive reinforcement. Conversely, at risk behaviors will diminish due to immediate coaching and correction, ultimately preventing an undesirable outcome from the at-risk behavior.


Through our Hazard Hunt program we are able to actively track and trend identified hazards on board our vessels, at shore side facilities, as well as at offshore assets. Hazards identified that can be immediately corrected are required to be corrected by the person identifying the hazard. Any hazard that cannot be immediately corrected on board or at the job site is required to be reported to shore side management. Vessel captains shall be notified of any hazards being submitted through our Hazard Hunt Program on board their assigned vessel so that immediate action can be taken. With assistance from shore side support, crew members identify and address identified hazards in the quickest manner possible.

Through our real-time  online  portal, safety managers are able to access TABS and Hazard Hunt submissions in real-time, affording our safety department immediate and effective tracking and trending  of key QHSSE indicators fleet-wide.